Republic Investors Love Cybolt. Here’s What They’re Saying

We are ecstatic to announce that we have quickly generated a community of backers! Since our raise journey began, we have received an overwhelming outpour of support from our 388 investors! 

As a token of our appreciation, we’ve highlighted a few of our investor testimonials that represent what Cybolt is all about!

Our Appreciation 

Not only have we reached our raise goal, we have SURPASSED our minimum goal by 1305%! Without our investors, we wouldn’t be able to achieve these major milestones. With your investment, we can help change cybersecurity as we know it!

With only 37 days left to invest, check out what our Cybolt community has to say on why they feel we can make a difference:

Alfred Mantoura

“I invested in Cybolt because I believe in the protection of our personal information that is seen on the internet through management and cybersecurity!! You have an amazing tool to protect the world from cyber criminals and make this world a better and a safer place to live. Thank you very much for this opportunity to join your team, and I am happy and excited to be on board. Congratulations on your achievement so far! I see EXPLOSIVE growth”!

Kim Thomas

“I strongly believe that Cyber Security is a leading market need and that newcomers in this space can bring disruptive solutions that can capture significant market share.”

Adrian Ruiz Carvajal

“The company looks professional, and while antiviruses are becoming obsolete, cybersecurity as a whole is on the rise. As a Mexican citizen I also want to support our best entrepreneurs.”

Sathish Kumar Vinayaga Moorthy

Cyber security is an emerging industry and the focus on Latin America before the market gets mature is a great growth opportunity.”

Segolene Zimmern

I invested because they have great revenue and profitability, and cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important.”

Baiping Guo

“I think this industry has huge potential around the world.”

John Seymour

“Great concept for future growth.”

Paul Fickes

“Strong traction and a profitable company in the software space.”

Nickolas Pitfield

Cyber Security / Digital Risk Management is a massive growth area – difficult to get in early on these deals normally as VCs hoover them all up!”

Gerardo Rioseco Orihuela

There is a big need in the market to secure information and I believe Cybolt is the answer.”

Our investors and customers believe that Cybolt can provide a safe future for the internet and evolve cyber security.

Join the Cybolt Community

We are ecstatic and anxious to see how the amazing things Cybolt will accomplish! Your continuous support is still needed. Please share our campaign with your network and social media to spread the word on our investment opportunity. 

Haven’t invested yet? Just like our amazing investors, you too can be a part of the ever changing cybersecurity world!

Check us out on our raise page at Republic to learn more about why you should invest in Cybolt! Don’t forget to leave us a review on what you think! 

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