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Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality for our data centers by 2030

The United Nations reports that the past five years have seen the highest average global temperatures on record. Many of us have already experienced the effects of climate change in our communities, and the challenges associated with a warming planet will only become more difficult to address the longer we delay action.

To prevent warming beyond 1.5°C, we need to reduce emissions by 7.6% every year, and companies have a major role to play in ensuring that this happens.

Therefore, Cybolt has begun its work on measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions affiliated with our business operations. We aim to make our data centers carbon neutral by 2030.

Environmental Policy

To learn more about Cybolt’s commitment to being a part of the solution, read our Environmental Policy.

In 2022, we formed our Environmental Working Group:

Raising awareness about environmental sustainability within the company.

Overseeing the execution of Cybolt’s Environmental Action Plan.

Monitoring and evaluating the progress of greenhouse gas reduction and offsetting.

Discover More about Our Dedication to ESG Principles

Human Rights

We leverage technology to ensure the respect and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.


Cybolt is committed to good-governance standards and complies with relevant international certifications and external auditing procedures.

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