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Human Rights, Anti-Corruption and Business Ethics

We leverage technology to ensure the respect and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Technology as a Tool

Technology can be a tool for ensuring that fundamental rights and freedoms are respected and protected, but only when applied with a human rights perspective.

According to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, companies have the responsibility to respect human rights and provide access to remedy when issues may arise. This includes companies of all sizes, sectors and nationalities, including Cybolt.

Cybolt respects all internationally recognized human rights. We strive to avoid infringing on the human rights of others and address adverse human rights impacts with which Cybolt is involved.

Cybolt's Human Rights Policy

At Cybolt we dedicate our work to establishing and maintaining the trust of our clients by identifying, preventing and neutralizing risks.

Human Rights Priorities

In particular, Cybolt is working to uphold the right to privacy and the right to safety and security of person (both online and offline).

Cybolt’s work intersects with these rights in various ways, for example:

Cybolt is deeply committed to non-discrimination, ensuring this principle is upheld within our workforce, workplace, and in the technological tools we implement.

Implementing our Policies:

Cybolt implements its ethics, anti-corruption and human rights policies by:

Conducting Due Diligence

When risks are identified (i.e. through a sales opportunity, through the whistleblower mechanism, or through developments in the technology features), each case is evaluated by the ESG committee. Conditional approvals include technical and/or contractual mitigations, and its implementation is monitored to ensure adherence.

Human Rights Impact Assessments

We identify and manage human rights issues in many ways, including Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIA), stakeholder consultations, and internal review processes.

Training and Awareness Raising

Cybolt’s staff have open access to online trainings and an independent human rights consultant who supports them with questions or issues that relate to any given business unit. Staff in key positions are required to pass the online trainings which cover the following topics:

Labor Rights and Safety of Staff

Cybolt is working to ensure that the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the International Labour Organization´s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work are fully respected. The People department, with the support of the ESG Committee, is responsible for carrying out any necessary initiatives or policy changes concerning labor rights and safety so that they are in accordance with the above principles and the UN Guiding Principles in general.

Explore more of our commitment with ESG


Cybolt has begun measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions affiliated with our business operations.


Cybolt is committed to good-governance standards and complies with relevant international certifications and external auditing procedures.

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