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Discover the 10 Benefits of Network Monitoring

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Published: May 19, 2024

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In today’s digital era, our expectations as users are increasingly high, and our tolerance for network interruptions is low. For organizations, it is crucial to ensure optimal performance in networks and applications, both internally and for customers, to avoid the negative impacts of poor user experiences. According to a survey by consulting firm PwC, 73% of respondents said their experience using an application is the decisive factor in their purchasing decision. Additionally, 32% of consumers would abandon their purchase process if they had a bad experience. These figures show that without a strategy to ensure operational continuity and avoid interruptions, organizations will face negative impacts such as customer loss, bad reputation, and low team productivity. Continuous network performance monitoring is an effective way to achieve operational continuity. It helps gain better control and quickly address situations that pose a problem for operations, providing detailed visibility of network and application performance. Continuous Monitoring and Its Impact on Productivity You might wonder how monitoring and visibility relate to user productivity. The connection lies in that with the correct strategy, we can prevent downtimes that cause poor user experiences and wasted time for the organization, often resulting in financial losses. Benefits of a Proper Monitoring Strategy:
  1. Early Detection: Continuous monitoring and analysis can identify potential failures affecting network and platform performance before impacting the end-user.
  2. Resource Optimization: Effective monitoring can identify bottlenecks, allowing for resolution and optimization of information flow to avoid unnecessary costs.
  3. Increased User Satisfaction: Without interruptions and with smooth processes, users are likely to feel comfortable and secure using your company’s applications, increasing loyalty and attracting new users.
  4. Productivity Boost: Ensuring critical applications function correctly increases employee productivity and reduces unplanned downtime.
  5. Informed Decision-Making: Continuous monitoring and analysis provide valuable data for better decision-making.
  6. Predictive Analysis: AI tools can generate predictive analyses to prevent network problems.
  7. Visibility and Analysis: Applies to any environment, including data centers, public and private clouds, and co-locations.
  8. Service Dependency Mapping: Reduces migration risks by visualizing hidden client-server relationships.
  9. Application Analysis: Solves problems through protocols and metrics in applications.
  10. Session Analysis: Deepens session and packet analysis for direct forensic analysis.
By modernizing monitoring and analysis strategies, companies can make applications modular, scalable, and resilient, and their networks efficient. At Cybolt, we offer a wide range of capabilities and experts to help monitor and manage network and application performance. An effective strategy combines advanced tools integrating AI and machine learning for packet monitoring, traffic analysis, and problem diagnosis, with innovative brands like Netscout, along with professional expertise to identify and solve performance issues. If you seek to increase productivity and improve user experience, contact us at [email protected]. We would love to work with you. References:
  1. PwC, 2018
  2. Netscout, 2023
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